Friday, February 22, 2013


We watched Bully last night which is the documentary about bullying and how it is a problem in schools all around the country.  This is a really good movie it shows several teens stories throughout the movie, most take place down south.  I kinda wish they would've went around the country in different areas since it is a problem all around America.  I'm happy they actually show the bullying and how mean it can actually be.  They show consequences of what teens do when they've just had it enough, they show how some can take it and some seek alternatives that kids should never have to pursue, also the ones who hide and don't know how to stand up for themselves.  Some of the things that happen have been in the news and heard about over the past few years, so it may sound familiar.  I hope more people who have kids and don't realize how mean kids can really be will watch this documentary, then hopefully try to prevent this in their own children and schools.  This movie is available to rent or buy right now.  If you're a fan of documentaries and you weren't that dickhead bully in school you will enjoy this movie.
I give this movie 4 stars.

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