Friday, March 1, 2013

Silent Hill Revelation (2012)

I decided to watch Silent Hill: Revelation (not in 3D) which is available to rent or own.  It stars Adelaide Clemens, Kit Harington (Game of Thrones), and Sean Bean (Lord of the Rings).  This is a sequel to Silent Hill (2006),  in this continuation of the Silent Hill story Heather gets sucked in to the world of Silent Hill.  What she doesn't realize is how attached to this world she already is and has been since her childhood.  Before watching this movie I thought it was just another take on Silent Hill, but it's actually goes with the story of the first movie.  Almost every character returns to reprise their rolls, there's a few jumps and yes even those creepy ass nurses make a comeback.  I still liked the first one better but this is a good sequel.  If you're a fan of the first Silent Hill I recommend this one, but only if you've seen the first one. 

I give this movie a 3.75 (I can give it a percentage, it's my rating system) for being a good continuation of the story but not totally up to par of the first one.  

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