Friday, March 1, 2013

Smiley (2012)

Well I was wondering how long it would take to watch a really bad horror movie, and apparently not that long.  I watched Smiley, most of you have probably never heard of it and probably never will other than right here.  It stars nobody worth noting so let's just get to what it's about.  It's about a fake urban legend if you are video chatting with someone and you type in "I did it for the lulz" 3 times (yes I know) then Smiley comes up behind that person and kills them.  Now Smiley is a man who stitched up his eyes and cut his mouth into a smile so it literally looks like this =).   They mainly focus on the main girl and her trying to convince others to believe and her paranoia.  I'm not usually picky but the dialogue, acting and jokes are ridiculously bad.  So my conclusion is I don't recommend this movie.  If you want a good urban legen movie to watch, then check out Urban Legend (1998) instead.

I give it a 1 because I've got to give it something.

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