Movies / TV / VideoGames / And Everything Else
I watch alot of TV and Movies, and play video games once in awhile so I'm gonna start reviewing stuff I'm hear to just put out my 5 cents for people who want something new to watch and check out. I'll keep it as spoiler free as I can, but if it's old then game on...sorry in advance.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
So the new trailer for Amazing Spider-man 2 just came out and personally I think it looks amazing, but I can't help to think there sure are alot of villians in that 2 minute preview. Please don't let this be another Spider-man 3 mistake...way too many villians and a really shitty venom. I know alot of people didn't much care for the first Amazing Spider-man but I loved it. Yes they had to show the whole Uncle Ben dying again, but that's part of Spider-man's history and story. If you really wanna argue origin stories then let's talk about Man of Steel and how it's okay to kill thousands of people. Anyways, sorry for the tangent. So this trailer is leading me to believe that one of the rumors is true, and that is that The Sinister Six is coming in a big bad way. The Sinister Six is a group of Spider-man villians, now this group has changed over time and it's consisted of: The Lizard, Electro, The Rhino, Doc Oc, Green Goblin, Vulture, Mysterio, Kraven the Hunter, Sandman, and Venom. They have all been apart of the Sinister Six at one time or another. So it's looking like this maybe coming in the 3rd or 4th movie. Now hearing that gets me very excited but also worried. Do we need someone like Joss Wheddon to direct this since we now know he can make many characters work together on one screen (Avengers) ? Regardless on reviews or what people say about the Amazing Spider-man movies....I'm all in. Also did you get a look at the very quick shot of Paul Giamatti as The Rhino, and then also once he turns into the Rhino "Transformer", I'm not so sure about that take on it but I will hold all judgement until I see the movie. So for you're viewing pleasure here is trailer for The Amazing Spider-man 2 coming to a theater May 2nd, 2014.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Time for a change
All right it's due time for a change on this blog I have going. I haven't written a review in a very long time. Time to revamp this blog. More details to come.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Monsters University (2013)
We saw Monsters University
starring Billy Crystal, John Goodman, Steve Buscemi, Helen Mirren, Charlie Day,
Nathan Fillion, and many more. This is a
sequel to the 2001 animated movie Monsters Inc.
It's another slam dunk from Pixar, and just as good as the first
one. It takes place before the events of
Monsters Inc. when Mike and Sully are in college and haven't even met each other
yet. There is so many cool and funny
scenes throughout this movie. It's gives
you a glance at the college life but only if everyone was a monster or some
other kind of crazy creature. The
animation and visuals are fantastic, Sulley's fur looks so real. Pixar also invented a new way of doing
lighting in this movie which I'm sure will be the new way to do shadows and
lighting in cartoons now. There is a
scene that really shows it off in the movie where they are running down a
hallway and jellyfish are being thrown everywhere. This movie is great for adults and kids
especially when allot of us seen the original when we were kids. I highly recommend this movie for any lovers
of Pixar, animation, kids movies, and Monsters Inc.
I give this movie a 5.0, I
gave enough reasons above.
Despicable Me 2 (2013)
I went and saw Despicable Me 2 starring Steve Carell, Kristen
Wiig, Benjamin Bratt, Russell Brand, Ken Jeong,
and Miranda Cosgrove. This is a sequel to the 2010 computer animated
comedy. In this one Gru is hired by the AVL (Anti Villain League) to find
the world's newest criminal master mind. This movie was just as funny as
the first one especially with the minions. It seems they know where the
laughs come from because you see allot more of the little yellow guys this time
around. There's not so much of a story from the kids this time around
which I thought was kind of disappointing because they were hilarious in the
first one "IT'S SO FLUFFY!!!" I didn't care for the main story
in this one and there wasn't any big surprises that you can't see coming very
early in the movie. Not saying that makes it a bad movie I mean it is a
cartoon and geared towards kids with some adult humor, but it felt a little
toned down from the first one.
So if you enjoyed the first Despicable Me then I recommend
checking this one out.
I give this movie a 4.0 for having minions
A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)
I watched the next installment in the Die Hard franchise last
night, A Good Day to Die Hard a.k.a. Die Hard 5. Starring as always
Mr. Bad Ass himself Bruce Willis as John McClane. The plotline is John
McClane is looking for his son and found him in Russia but
his son has some secrets of his own for why he's in Russia .
During this adventure McClane gets entangled in a secret operation that he just
doesn't want to be a part of. This Die Hard is the worst one out of the
series so far, saying so far because a sixth one is planned. There is no
back-story in this movie so your lost after the first 10 minutes. Now
granted you watch these for the action and shoot-'em up violence which it does
deliver on to a crazy high extent. When the first action sequence starts
you almost wonder is this called Die Hard: Destroy all vehicles in Russia (you'll
see why).
I don't recommend this movie unless your a "DIE HARD"
fan of the franchise. This is more a fun brainless action movie that has
no payoff in the end. It's sad to say because I do love the Die Hard
movies, especially the third with Sam Jackson. But I would have to say
this series died awhile ago and needs to be laid to rest.
I give this movie a 2.0, for cool action
sequences that's about it.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
This Is The End (2013)
Just saw This Is
The End, which is a R-rated comedy about the end of the world. It has
Seth Rogen who also wrote and directed the movie, Craig Robinson, James Franco,
Jonah Hill, Danny McBride, and Jay Baruchel. This movie is hilarious
it's just so damn funny. They do show alot of the funny parts in the
commercials but there is still so much that they didn't show. The basic
premise is James Franco is throwing a huge house party and during this party
the end of world happens. A few chosen
celebrities have to figure out how to survive while finding out what's exactly
going on outside of Franco's house. All
the actors play themselves, a little more heightened and comedic version of themselves but
themselves. It's really great too since
they are playing themselves they randomly make jokes about each other like for
example Seth Rogen's notorious laugh.
There are many celebrities who appear throughout the movie that makes it
even better. Also trying to figure out exactly what is happening and what's causing the end of the world is alot of
fun throughout the movie.
I do recommend
this movie especially if you like any of these actors and their other comedies.
I give this movie
a 5.0 for just being awesome.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Amazon Original Pilots
So after watching all of the comedy Amazon original pilots I'm at the point where they
just aren't that good, granted it's very hard to judge a show on just one
episode. One thing I do like is that
most of the actors in these are all new comers, which is great if the show gets
picked up. I enjoy seeing new people especially
in comedic roles. I was kind of hoping
they would have a more vast array of types of shows such as a thriller, or even
a drama. It's all comedies or kid's
shows. Hopefully when these all get
decided on they will expand or just leave it to Netflix since they are doing a
fantastic job with original series. I'm
not sure when they will announce what has been picked up and what has been
cancelled. But once a decision has been
made on all the shows I will put up a post about it. Until then here is a short review on each
show and these can be watched on the Amazon app which is on most bluray players
and game systems. Also can be watched
online at www.amazon.com/originals.
A group of friends who are computer program developers are
trying to get a startup going. This
pilot episode is basically them going through the ups and downs trying to find
a company to buy their program. Also
random shenanigans in between the main story kind of keep it from getting too
boring but it's just not enough. This
isn't really a comedy show but it does try to have some funny scenes and jokes
but it's just really not funny. It falls
in between a weird place on trying to be too many things and just doesn't
succeed. It stars Charlie Saxton (Movie
43) and Ed Begley Jr. (Pineapple Express).
Alpha House
This one is about 3 senators in D.C. who are all trying to
deal with issues in government. They all
live together and part of the story is them trying to find a new roommate
because or an incident involving a guest start comedian at the beginning of the
episode. Now the story sounds like a
setup for a sitcom comedy show. This is
far from it, it does have some comedic parts but the show itself has a serious
tone. It stars John Goodman and if it
wasn't for him I personally don't think it would be as interesting, he definitely
makes this show worth while. So if
you're a huge John Goodman fan and really like politically themed shows then is
for you. I recommend it but only on
those terms.
So 4 young adults in the big city get hired on at a news
website as interns. This website
basically browses the web for links, videos, and any information and tries to
be the first one out there with the hot new info on the internet. These 4 new interns all have specific skills
to do this job. They range from a
stoner, a guy who still lives with his parents and 2 very determined people who
will do anything to reach the top. So it
sounds like you got the basic premise down...right? NOPE, they also all sing. Not in the sense that they are trying to
become singers and that's the part of the plotline. More in the sense that they take situations
in the show and sing about them with original songs. Did I just make this sound really cheesy?,
probably not because this isn't Glee 2.0.
The singing and choreographed numbers are entertaining and it does move
the story along well. The show had me
laughing at times, especially a song the head honcho sings which is played by
Bebe Neuwirth (The Faculty). So I do
recommend watching this one unless you just hate singing and the internet but
if you're reading this on here you at least like 50% of that so check it
Dark Minions
This is a stop motion animation show. Since these are pilot episodes though this
isn't entirely finished. Only about 5
minutes of it is actually animated, the rest of it is just storyboards and the
voices. It has the voice talents of John
Ross Bowie (Big Bang Theory), Kevin Sussman (Big Bang Theory), Clancy Brown
(Shawshank Redemption), Richard Kind (Spin City ),
and Phil LaMarr (Mad TV). The basic
premise is 2 broke guys need a job and take one on a warship in space just for
the money. It had some funny scenes in
it. I don't see this one getting picked
up just because it probably costs a good amount of money to produce since it's
all stop motion animation (Nightmare Before Christmas). I would probably keep watching this one, mostly
because I enjoy that kind of animation.
I also enjoyed the actors who play the voices on the show. It's not really a kind friendly show but I
don't remember any worse language than you hear on regular cable TV. So I would say wait for it to be picked up
and hopefully you could see a full episode fully animated and that would make a
huge difference in viewing this show.
Onion New Empire
Hearing this was going to be one of the new pilots from
Amazon I got really excited just because the Onion news can be hilarious. The same does not bode for the show, it
wasn't as funny as I though it would be.
Don't get me wrong it still has hilarious parts but it's more on the
"Oh My God, did they really just say or do that?" It stars Jeffrey Tambor (Arrested
Development), Christopher Masterson (Malcom in the Middle), William Sadler (The
Shawshank Redemption), Cheyenne Jackson (30 Rock). If you're familiar with The Onion News that
you would be familiar enough with this show it's basically a fake news organization
with fake news repots twisted with the worst possible outcomes. There was an Onion New Network show on TV a
few years back and is still randomly online so I'm not sure if this show will
succeed since there's already something out there available. If you enjoys The Onion News then yeah check
out this pilot and hopefully you get some laughs out of it.
This is a cartoon series geared towards adults, yes I
spelled it correctly above. It's about 2
women from the ghetto who fight Supernatural forces but everything has an
ethnic twist to it. I get the whole
twist on everything and the jokes can be funny but just seems more
stereotypical racist than anything.
Which don't get me wrong that can be funny when it's done right but they
just don't seem to pull it off here. It
stars a bunch of new people who haven't been in anything but it does have Riki
Lindhome (Last House on the Left). I
could see something like this playing on Adult Swim...maybe, but I don't see
many people enjoying this show. If you
really like animation and watch supernatural and you always wished instead of 2
stunningly handsome men it starred 2 super stereotypical ghetto women, then
this show is for you.
Those Who Can't
This is a comedy about 3 guys who are all high school
teachers. One is a gym teacher, another
is History I think and the other one I can't even remember. There were a couple funny jokes here and
there. It's a little darker humor kind
of like Always Sunny In Philadelphia but just not as good. The 3 teacher who are also friends basically
play pranks on each other and joke around the entire time which can be very
funny at times. Also the fact this is on
Amazon and they can say anything makes it kind of funny since they aren't
censored at all. It again stars a bunch
of new people who really haven't been in much and also comedian Nikki Glaser is
in it. If this one gets picked up I
would give it another chance since it did have funny jokes and scenes
Allright last but not least I watched Zombieland. This is a continuation of the movie
Zombieland, but without any of the same actors.
Now doing that right there can be a big mistake. Watching this I kept my expectations low
because of the new actors, and I would have to say you should probably do the
same. The environment, jokes, and
character names are all the same. But at
times it feels like a zombieland rip-off or one of those straight to DVD movies
that's ripping off of a huge blockbuster (Transformers / Transmorphers). It stars...you guessed it a bunch of newbies
and also Tim Bagley (Knocked Up). You
would think this is probably the one that would be picked up, but I have heard
rumors already that this one has been cancelled but I would like to see a few
more episodes to judge it properly. So
if you're really into zombies and want to see a little more of the zombieland
world then yeah check it out. If not
just go watch the movie again.
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