Sunday, July 7, 2013

A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)

I watched the next installment in the Die Hard franchise last night, A Good Day to Die Hard a.k.a.  Die Hard 5.  Starring as always Mr. Bad Ass himself Bruce Willis as John McClane.  The plotline is John McClane is looking for his son and found him in Russia but his son has some secrets of his own for why he's in Russia.  During this adventure McClane gets entangled in a secret operation that he just doesn't want to be a part of.  This Die Hard is the worst one out of the series so far, saying so far because a sixth one is planned.  There is no back-story in this movie so your lost after the first 10 minutes.  Now granted you watch these for the action and shoot-'em up violence which it does deliver on to a crazy high extent.  When the first action sequence starts you almost wonder is this called Die Hard: Destroy all vehicles in Russia (you'll see why). 
I don't recommend this movie unless your a "DIE HARD" fan of the franchise.  This is more a fun brainless action movie that has no payoff in the end.  It's sad to say because I do love the Die Hard movies, especially the third with Sam Jackson.  But I would have to say this series died awhile ago and needs to be laid to rest.  

I give this movie a 2.0, for cool action sequences that's about it.

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